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Superstar Web Expansion

Book consistent dream couples and let your wedding business shine bright.

There are 200 billion trillion(ish) stars in the sky.
Sometimes the wedding industry can feel that crowded.
To connect with your dream couples, it takes a stellar website. Power up your web presence to become your couple's superstar. Your website will guide them to you and through a serene client process so your wedding biz can burn bright without burning out.

Your website can be your Superstar.

A good website is nice to look at, but may get lost in the nebula. A Superstar website shines bright. When your web presence is balanced and focused on your dream couple, it can shine bright enough to bring them to you. A Superstar website is a key part of your client experience, enhancing your workflow and giving you time back.

What’s keeping you from shining your brightest?

If your website isn't a superstar just yet, no judgment. All small businesses reach this moment. (I know I did!) What's dimming your light?

Never enough time

You have so many other things to focus on.
Let's be real, you don’t have the time! You don’t need to become an expert on SEO, user experience, or accessibility — you’re already an expert in your field.

Burnout is real

The "wedding boom" has you all burnt out.
Endless changes, long delays, rescheduling, and more demanding clients are all at play here. Many wedding professionals are ending 2022 totally burnt out.

Following old rules

You want to save the sales for face to face.
There’s no replacing you and the human touch. But almost 90% of couples find potential wedding vendors online before they reach out, so your website needs to bring your business to life onscreen.

It can be overwhelming.

But don't worry. You’re closer than you think.
It’s time for a Superstar Web Expansion.

Okay, so what is the Superstar Web Expansion?

A Superstar Web Expansion is transformation of your current wedding pro web presence into a guiding light for your dream couple. It goes deeper than a redesign. We power up your website by expanding on what's working. We strategically balance the elements of a superstar web presence:


What are you sharing with potential couples?


Are you reaching all your potential clients?


How does your website look and how easy is it to use?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

How easy is it to find your website?


How does your website fit into your client onboarding process? What other software does it interact with?

How do we get there?


Phase One.
A deep dive exploration of your current website and workflow to discover where you are now. There’s no shame here — just opportunities.

Star Map

Phase Two.
We'll map out what a Superstar Web Presence looks like for your business. This is your personalized strategy. We'll talk through it together so you can see where we're going and get excited about the way forward.

Stellar Ignition

Phase Three.
Time to power up. Sit back and relax or take some extra time with your clients while your personalized strategy is implemented for you. A fusion of the Superstar web elements will light up your site.

Shine On

Phase Four.
Burn bright not out. A supported handoff keeps you shining brighter longer. You'll receive training, guides, and a six-month out quality assurance check-in.
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“I wouldn’t be able to do my work without the system that Eleanor created from the ground up. From vision to execution, their keystrokes enable my nights on piano keys to be streamlined into one backend, capturing data, conveying the message of our collective, and allowing an interface so simple, anyone can work within it.”
— Lance Horne, Mondays Collective
Past clients include

Frequently Asked Questions.

Have a question we haven't answered? Reach out or schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.

What do you use to build websites?

I build primarily on Squarespace, Webflow, Cargo, and Format. If your wedding business website was built elsewhere (custom, Wordpress, Wix) reach out and let's discuss options.

When do we start?

Due to the comprehensive nature of the Superstar Web Expansion, we only take on a set number of clients per year. Currently booking for 2023.

How much of a time commitment is this for me?

We know how valuable your time is so we treat it as such. Over the course of the expansion, we estimate you'll spend 6-10 hours of focused attention. 3 one-hour scheduled zoom meetings, 30 minutes to answer the deep dive exploration questionnaire, and at least two and half hours to review and give notes. There are opportunities for more face to face time, but the process is designed to keep you largely free to focus elsewhere.

What's the Investment?


Broken into four payments

What's included:

  • Website and workflow audit
  • Website and workflow strategic redesign and restructuring resulting in an accessible, responsive site optimized for search.
  • Content optimization (including 3 blog posts)
  • Branded social templates
  • Training to manage your site with ease
  • 6 month check in
  • Guides to understanding and managing your site & workflow
  • Access to monthly open "Office Hours"
  • 10% Mutual aid commitment


  • Payment 01: $1,000 deposit to book your Superstar Web Expansion and secure your start date.
  • Payment 02: $1,000 due on your start date.
  • Payment 03: $2,500 due at end of Week 04.
  • Payment 04: $4,000 due at end of Week 08.

Is the Superstar Web Expansion right for you?

This is for you if:

  • You're a NY Wedding Professional, like a Venue, Photographer, Videographer, Caterer, HMUA, Officiant, Planner, Rental House, Florist, DJ, Wedding Band, etc.
  • You’re one of the many wedding pros struggling to book out in advance
  • You’re committed to (or at least interested in) sustainability and equity
  • You’re ready to bring in more dream couples

This is not for you if:

  • Your website is already WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) conformant, high-converting, and you've got your SEO all in place (woohoo!)
  • You're not willing to invest in accessibility
  • You’re not an LGBTQIA+ friendly wedding biz. (As a nonbinary celebrant myself, we aren’t aligned.)